About Lucas County, Ohio Cemeteries on this website
Lucas County cemetery information on this website is organized into three categories:
1. Current Lucas County Cemeteries
These are burial grounds that are still visible today. This includes both active and inactive cemeteries. Active cemeteries are those that are still accepting burials. Inactive cemeteries are historical cemeteries that no longer accept burials.
Click here for a list of "At a Glance Cemetery Sheets"
Our list of "At a Glance Cemetery Sheets" is not complete, but in the meantime we want to help you find records and resources that have not compiled into the sheets. Here are some links.
​2. Private Cemeteries ​
​​​Several inactive Cemeteries are on private property. We do not publish the specific locations of these out of respect for the private landowners. However, we do preserve these records for further generations.
3. Obsolete Cemeteries
Obsolete Cemeteries are those which once existed but the remains, and in certain cases the gravestones, have been moved to other cemeteries. For example, when Calvary Cemetery was opened, St. Patrick's Cemetery and St. Peter and Paul Cemeteries were moved to Calvary. ​